When you throw a stone into a still pond, it creates a 'ripple effect'. Some creates small ripple, and some creates big ripple. But each stone, no matter how big or small, creates a ripple.
Each one of us is like that stone. Whether we like it or not, we influence people around us: our family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and even strangers. It's not really a choice, it just happens. It's like cause and effect, it's like momentum, it's like gravity law, it just happens, and we don't really have a say. In other words... we are walking ripple-makers, we are born to INFLUENCE.
Each one of us is like that stone. Whether we like it or not, we influence people around us: our family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and even strangers. It's not really a choice, it just happens. It's like cause and effect, it's like momentum, it's like gravity law, it just happens, and we don't really have a say. In other words... we are walking ripple-makers, we are born to INFLUENCE.
Do you notice that you and your closest friend or partner share some similarities? The more you spend time with each other, the more you become alike in some ways. When hubby and I first began our new life under the same roof, I had a few bad habits: like not closing the toothpaste cap, not returning things to where they belong, not washing my drinking glass (thinking I'm going to use it again later) and many more. Surprisingly, V can be a very tidy person and my habits use to drive him mad all the time. Through years of hard work, I finally change some of those habits and we become more alike in our cleanliness standard (although sometimes I still revert back to my old self and still drive him nuts when he cant find the nail clipper for example :p).
As much as V has influenced me, I have also influenced him: he is now addicted to Facebook, he knows how to chat online, he knows how to use google search, and he eats sweets! (well, ... a little bit). Growing from somone who doesn't know how to text on a mobile phone to someone who knows how to upload photos from his iphone to Facebook? Yeah... I'll take credit for that :)
On a more positive note, I have a close friend, whose positive attitude never fail to amaze, comfort and encourage me. No matter what she goes through in life, she always says "Yaudah... It's ok", meaning "That's alright, let it be, everything's going to be alright". Everytime she tells me about her life, good or bad, she always says "But I'm not complaining, I choose to just be grateful for everything". She probably does not realise that she has brainwashed me with her positivity, but she really has. Although we no longer live in the same country, her positive influence still lives within me and is part of who I am today.
That makes me wander sometimes... what kind of influence am I to those around me? What kind of influence are you to those around you?
Proverbs 18:21 says "The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences."Proverbs 10:11 "The mouth of the righteous is a spring of life, but violence covers the mouth of the wicked."Proverbs 16:24 "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."
What comes out of your mouth most of the time? Are they words of encouragement? Do they help your friends and loved ones in the midst of their difficulties? Do they build up faith? Bring some laughters? Make them smile?
Apart from influencing others with our words, we also influence others with our attitude. Some of my closest friends now are friends I met in highschool. We grew up together, went through years of University together, shared our dreams, our problems, encouraged each other, and allowed everyone to be themselves, no judgement made. Everyone always has good attitude and the glass is always half full. Hanging out with them brings smiles to my face, always. We never fail to make each other laugh, and most of us are alike in our beliefs, our attitude, and our outlook on life. We influence each other, and I am grateful for their influence.
What kind of attitude do you choose to display today?
My five year old daughter, Naomi, knows how to gets what she wants from mom and dad. She's learnt it, and she's learnt it well. Ever since she understands the concept of 'wanting' and 'getting', she's been doing all sorts of 'trial-error' experiements on us. V and I had to make sure we are aware of what she's trying to obtain and HOW she's doing it. Everytime she displays good attitude, she gets what she wants. We make sure we praise her and make a big deal about rewarding her behaviour.
One night just recently, I was at home alone with her while V was at work. Before we went to bed, she decided to tidy up the whole lounge room for daddy because she knows daddy likes a clean house. She put all her stuffs in the drawer, she wiped the coffee table, put all her shoes in the shoe rack, and I swear I was just watching her while watching TV (oh yeah... lucky me!). When daddy came home that night, she was already asleep but I made sure V knew what she did. The next morning, V was like "Thank you for tidying up the house baby! You are such a good girl!" He made a big deal out of it, gave her a piece of chocolate, and put the biggest smile on her face.
Naomi's good attitude drove her to do good, which brought smiles to our faces, which in turns, brings goodness back to herself. I believe this is true for all of us... good attitude drives good behaviour, which in turns drive great results.
So, you, walking ripple-maker, what kinds of influence do you choose to be today?
What type of legacy would you like to leave behind?
If you had to go back to the Father's house tomorrow, what would you like your friends to say about you? How would you like them to describe you?
You are born to influence.... with all power, comes responsibility. Use it wisely :)
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