
Saturday, December 4, 2010

You Are Beautiful...

Growing up in a girls-only boarding school in Perth was one of the best experiences of my life, but like any other things in life, it comes with its own challenges. Any sixteen/seventeen years old girl want to look pretty, but when your parents spend $14,000 per year just so that you can have a better life and a better education in another country better than your own, you would probably hesitate to ask for another $50-$100 per week just so that you can buy more clothes like your other girlfriends.
As boarders, Saturday was the highlight of our week. Because that's the only day we were allowed to leave the boarding house to roam the 'real' world, to be out and about, to do some shopping, to feel 'normal'. So we used to catch the train down to this posh shopping area in the Western suburbs and the only clothing stores they had back in those days were Esprit and Sportsgirl, which are not exactly 'budget'. Some of my girlfriends used to easily spend hundreds of dollars in one transaction while I could only wish for the same, so I spend many days journalling about how I wish I could have the same. 
One Sunday at church, I came across this passage in the Bible that talks about how God looks after every part of your life and provides everything you need. Being a sixteen years old, these two verses caught my attention:
Matthew 6
28 "And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, 29 yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 30 And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you."
As I ponder upon these verses, my negative thoughts and worries disappear. It gives me strenghts, it gives me joy, it brings a smile on my face, and it builds a healthy confidence in me. As a sixteen years old growing up, I learnt that beauty doesn't come from the price tag of your clothes, that it doesnt come from what you wear, or how you look. Because God's created you with your own uniqueness, your own inner beauty and it all comes from within. 
Looking at all of my girlfriends now, nearly every one of us is blessed with a good, loving husband. I was one of the first ones to get married to such a lovely and handsome young man, and that's not because I was the prettiest one in the group (well...  I wish I was), but because I have always believed in God to choose for the best spouse for me and to make everything happen according to His beautiful timing.
I hope I am not being misunderstood. I have absolutely nothing against shopping for clothes or dressing up or making yourself look pretty and presentable. I guess I'm writing this just because nowadays I see young teenage girls trying so hard to be noticed by what they wear or how they look. The trend seems to be to 'expose' as much as you can. Little do they realise that the boys who are attracted to them are probably more attracted to the exposed body parts than their inner beauty and personality. She'd hook up with him in desperation for love and attention, just to be disappointed, broken hearted and some scarred to life when found out that he's only interested in her body parts and pleasing his own sexual appetite.
My hope for all of my young friends, God's children, His daughters and princesses, is that you come to understand that God has made you absolutely beautiful and wonderful. With your skinny or chubby cheek, size 6 or size 16, pear shaped or ruler shaped, wearing $5 or $60 top, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL...  and He loves you, even when nobody else does... 
Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart"  

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